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Control the position and light of the Sun and the Moon

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Discover a versatile application crafted to cater to your diverse calendrical needs, SunMoonCal. This app seamlessly integrates various calendars, including the Gregorian, Old Julian, and Lunar Hijri, along with a solar variant featuring month names in multiple languages like Arabic, Iranian (Persian), Afghan (Persian & Pashto), and Kurdish.

The platform is an essential tool that enables users to calculate ages effortlessly, keep track of prayer times with handy notifications, and explore the night sky with detailed sky maps showcasing planets, the brightest stars, and lunar mansions. It enhances your astronomical curiosity by offering a constellations map to guide you through the celestial bodies.

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Stay informed about the rise and set times of the sun and moon, and receive accurate updates about solar and lunar eclipses. Phase tracking of the moon is simplified with this tool, along with lunar stations for those who follow the lunar mansions closely. For enthusiasts of celestial events, the game also provides crescent sighting information.

Visualize the alternation of day and night on a global scale, recognizing the precise moments seasons change. Adjust to any location with the timezone map, and keep abreast of the Earth's magnetic field variations with the magnetic field map.

Equipped with practical tools such as 2D and 3D compasses, the application aids navigation with the positions of the sun, moon, and Qibla. Locate the Qibla with ease using the map feature. Users can enrich their digital experience by sharing insights with others through various channels.

Widgets enhance your interface, providing quick access to salient features. Users also have the ability to export intricate calendar information and share it via Bluetooth, WiFi, email, or even print it. For a comprehensive overview, SunMoonCal offers graphical representations of data, making it an invaluable companion for anyone seeking a multi-functional calendar experience.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 4.4 or higher required

Information about SunMoonCal v4.4.7

Package Name com.AMAJamry.SunMoonCal
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Comics & Book Readers
Language English
1 more
Author AMA-Jamry
Downloads 25,023
Date Feb 26, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk v4.4.6 Android + 4.4 Feb 18, 2024
apk v4.4.5 Android + 4.4 Feb 18, 2024
apk v4.4.4 Android + 4.4 Feb 7, 2024
apk v4.4.3 Android + 4.4 Feb 6, 2024
apk v4.4.2 Android + 4.4 Feb 4, 2024
apk v4.4.1 Android + 4.4 Sep 6, 2023

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